We’re really excited to announce a change to how we provide our Risk Tracker software.

Risk Tracker is our client database that organisations across the country use to record and manage their client data. In the last four years, we have worked closely with the people that use our software, as well as the people that commission their services, to make a database that is easy to use but collects the information you need.

We think that client databases shouldn’t cost a fortune and in the Twenty First century you shouldn’t have to commit to paying large annual fees just to record data.

Which is why we are providing use of Risk Tracker on a monthly basis for £60 a month. You can pay £600 for a whole year if you want but we realise that funding isn’t always that certain.

Because of the way Risk Tracker has been created we can set you up using it within a day.

Using Risk Tracker you can:

  • Add your own questions
  • Manage multiple projects
  • Generate reports on the work that you do
  • Work collaboratively with other organisations
  • Track all of your interactions with clients