By using cross-disciplinary teams, agile project management and user focussed design, service design approach is able to implement solutions in a matter of weeks. Through iterative design, services can adapt to improve the experience of the people using them and significantly reduce the costs of creating services and improve the outcomes of the people that use them.
We support organisations to solve specific problems using service design thinking. This helps organisations to quickly understand the problems that people have and how they can best solve them. Reducing costs and improving outcomes.
Risk Tracker is an easy to use Client Database that has been designed to help you to manage client information and run reports on the work that you do. It has been designed working with many organisations, that work with clients in a variety of settings, so that it is easy to use but versatible enough to meet the needs of your business.
Using Risk Tracker you can manage multiple projects, operating in different locations, and prove the impact that you have with the people you work with. Using National Outcome frameworks we help you to demonstrate to funding organisations that you are effective and provide value for money.
Why service directories do not work
Let’s talk about directories. As more and more services are being designed to help people navigate an ever more complicated health and social care landscape, directories have become seen as one of the first things that any self-respecting health economy commissions....
Introducing Referral Tool
We've built Referral Tool to provide a quick and easy way to identify the most appropriate local services to refer clients to. We have found that it is common with face to face services that issues that clients want help and support with are beyond the ability of a...
What are system outcomes and why should we fear them?
As you would expect we support any move that switches the focus of providing services away from the activity that takes place to the achievements that result. Effectiveness will always be more important than how busy you look. Having said that we are always concerned...
What are personal risk maps?
The common theme that runs through all of our products is how we use Risk Maps to identify the issues that people present to services. This post sets out what we mean by Risk Maps and sets out how easy they are to use in face to face work.. In the course of our work,...
What is whole person assessment?
The concept of whole person assessment seems to be getting more attention recently as it is at the core of community navigator and social prescribing projects. I believe that it is relevant to all organisations that support clients and should be the standard in how we...
How much does technology cost the voluntary sector?
How do you use technology to carry out face to face client work? This is a question that I regularly ask organisations I meet. There seems to be a stark difference in approach between those services provided directly by the public sector and smaller voluntary and...
What Contributes to Health Outcomes?
This is our favourite diagram. It might be odd to have a favourite diagram but we have. It's the diagram that we have noticed has the most impact when we go out to talk to organisations about the services they deliver. It might be counter-intuitive to think that the...
Making it Free
Our original plan, when we started Inside Outcomes, was to change the way that organisations and commissioners use outcomes. Our plan was to promote the need to take a whole person approach to clients and to directly relate the things that happen in services to...
New: Domestic Abuse Risk Map
We proposed a Risk Map for Domestic Abuse at the beginning of the year. Of all the maps that we have constructed, to date, this is the one that has generated the most feedback. Domestic Abuse is a complex issue and one that requires a number of services to come...